Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Green Chemistry and the Development of Sustainable Plastics

Hello everyone! I recently wrote a paper about green chemistry and sustainable plastics, so if it is of interest to you, here is the raw text version! :)

Green Chemistry- The Development of Sustainable Plastics
Jason Wei
Hurowitz-Lewis Humanities II
Thomas Jefferson School for Science and Technology
(Dated: May 25th, 2015)

I.                   INTRODUCTION

A. The Principles of Green Chemistry
Green chemistry, also known as sustainable chemistry, is the relatively new concept of designing chemical products and processes with the aim of reducing environmental pollution (Anastas and Warner). Officially endorsed and supported by organizations such as the American Chemical Society and the Environmental Protection Agency, green chemistry is based upon 12 principles, which include atom economy, use of catalysts, biodegradability, and waste minimization (Doble and Kumar). Since its development in the early 1990s, green chemistry has been both endorsed by environmentalist groups and adopted by chemical engineers in countries such as Italy, Germany, and Australia (Doble and Kumar). Often the rise of green chemistry can be connected to the relatively recent spur of environmentalism, as supporters of one are often well-versed in the other.

B. The History of Green Chemistry
In 1962, Rachel Carson wrote the popular book Silent Spring, revealing the danger of exposing biological ecosystems to certain chemicals as well as initiating the rise of green chemistry and the modern environmental movement in general (Lytle). In the early 1970s, President Nixon established the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and Congress began increasing involvement in environmental protection legislature from the 1980s to the early 2000s; the term “Green Chemistry” was coined by staff of the EPA Office of Pollution Prevention and Toxins in the early 1990s (“History of Green Chemistry”). Perhaps the most important development of this time period was a book called 12 Principles of Green Chemistry by Paul Anastas and John C. Warner, which officially declared the philosophy of green chemistry and continues to guide the green chemistry movement today (“History of Green Chemistry”). Since then, chemists have won Nobel Prizes for research in green chemistry and green chemistry journals, conferences, and organizations have been launched all over the world.

C. Plastics
As a large product of many industrial processes, developing sustainable plastics has been a large focus for many green chemists and industrial engineers. A plastic is defined as a synthetic material made from organic polymers, and about 30 million tons of plastic waste is generated each year in the United States (“Plastics”). With such a large output, the effect of plastics on the environment has significantly increased over the years, and scientists are looking for new ways to recycle plastic and produce plastic more efficiently. However, the causes of the rise of environmental chemistry in the manufacture of plastics have not been documented as rigorously as the innovations themselves.
To obtain a holistic understanding of sustainable plastics, we must ask the following actionable question: What are the recent innovations in eco-friendly plastic, and what are the roots of this relatively modern movement? In general, industrial improvement in sustainable plastics can be categorized as innovations in either the production or the biodegradability of plastics. However, the expansion of sustainable plastics from a virtually nonexistent ideal during the World War II era to a billion dollar modern day industry is a more ambiguous topic rooted in history, business, or scientific research.


A. Advances in the Production of Sustainable Plastics
By improving the industrial processes of manufacturing plastics, companies can directly reduce environmental pollution at the beginning of the plastic cycle. Much of the innovation has been focused in using polymers that are produced biologically instead of environmentally harmful processes that use hydrocarbons in oil (“Plastics”). Recently, many private companies have been able to create more efficient manufacturing processes through chemical research.
NatureWorks, a US company based in Minnesota, has been a pioneer in innovating the environmental production of plastic (“How Ingeo is Made”). NatureWorks created a type of plastic named Ingeo, which is based upon long chains of polylactide, a polymer made from naturally occurring plant sugar (“How Ingeo is Made”). By utilizing microorganisms to convert cornstarch into polymers, NatureWorks has managed to use agricultural wastes and organic raw materials to create plastics instead of polluting the planet by burning petroleum based constituents (“How Ingeo is Made”). Ingeo, which can be applied to a variety of different uses, has a seventy-five percent lower carbon footprint and also can be disposed of in a more environmentally-friendly fashion, through industrial compost (“How Ingeo is Made”).
Through the study of polylactic acid (PLA), Swiss scientists have also been able to develop a greener way of producing plastic through the use of chemical wastes as opposed to fresh resources (Stafford). Using a microporous chemical and specialized catalyst to create PLA, glycerol, which is a waste byproduct of biofuel production, can be used as the main substance in plastic production (Stafford). Both Ingeo and PLA based plastics are important instances of the use of wastes and recycled materials as the raw constituents of manufactured plastic.

B. Advances in the Biodegradability of Sustainable Plastics
        In addition to innovation in the production of plastics, much research has been focused in creating plastics that can be biodegradable or recycled. After plastics such as those used in disposable bags have been used, they can be made to degrade into environmentally friendly material that can be consumed by bacteria and fungi and recycled into carbon and hydrogen molecules that are organic (Garmson). Of the types of biodegradable plastics, most are either hydro-biodegradable or oxo-biodegradable (Garmson).
        Hydro-biodegradable plastics are those that begin compost by contact of water. Typically, they are made from polymers of high molecular weight such as those from starches in plants that are used for food; once placed in a high-microbial solution of water, they reduce to water, carbon dioxide, methane, and biomass (“Biodegradable plastics”). However, the quality of hydro-biodegradable plastics is inferior to conventional plastic, and it can be four or five times more expensive than its counterparts (“Biodegradable plastics”).
        A slightly different type of biodegradable plastic, oxo-biodegradable plastic, can sometimes be a better alternative to hydro-biodegradable plastic. Made from nonrenewable petroleum byproducts, the production of oxo-biodegradable plastic may be less environmentally friendly than that of hydro-biodegradable plastic (Platt). However, oxo-biodegradable plastic may have certain advances, as it breaks down quickly in sunlight, heat, and other stresses, and the cost of producing it is similar to that of producing conventional plastic (Platt). Both types of biodegradable plastics are effectively compostable but are used in different situations.

C. Limitations of Sustainable Plastics
Despite new advances in chemistry that allow for plastics to be synthesized from waste materials and can be recycled, green plastics also have some disadvantages when compared to traditionally manufactured plastic. One large shortcoming of environmentally friendly plastic is the high cost of producing such plastic; plastics such as Ingeo and hydro-biodegradable plastic are sometimes significantly more expensive than non-environmentally friendly plastic of equal quality (Platt). Green plastics also sometimes lack the quality of material needed for use in industrial settings, for instance, PLA plastic is breaks down in high temperatures and thus cannot be used in thus settings (Stafford).
Even if some types of plastic may meet all the requirement for their needs, their environmentally friendly purposes may not always be met. Biodegradable plastic is only useful when consumers can properly dispose of the material, as much of it is improperly tossed into landfills or kept untouched. Also, environmentally friendly plastics are also harder to obtain due to special processing requirements, and thus may provide complications for businesses striving to be more environmentally friendly. Also, the ethics of using plants to create plastics, such as in hydro-biodegradable plastics is questionable, as it can be argued that many farms are better allocated to producing food for consumption.

D. Future Development of Sustainable Plastics
The future of developing a more sustainable plastic rests in the ability for scientists to develop a material that can be both created using current waste products and recycled for future use. With further research in chemical catalysts such as those used in producing PLA, green chemists are looking to develop more efficient methods of plastic synthesis. It is also essential for government regulation organizations to develop standards for measuring toxicity and environmental impact of plastic production processes, and further financial support for environmentally green companies could also augment the green chemistry research (Tolinski, 77). The breakthrough in creating an ideal plastic may come from research in bio-based sources, as plastics that can be degraded using microbes have enormous potential in terms of minimizing environmentally harmful wastes (“Metabolix Sustainability”). It is also important to consider that the market for environmental plastic production processes must be expanded to developing countries as well as industrialized ones, which can occur as a result of the gradual expansion of the green chemistry movement.


A. The Role of History in the Development of Sustainable Plastics
Since the beginning of industrialization in Great Britain in the 1780s and into US industrialization up into the late nineteenth century, plastic has become a major product of manufacturing (“Industrialization”). During World War II, the growth of American manufacturing industries was vital in stimulating the economy and bringing the United States out of the great depression, and with the end of the war, factories converted their output from military production to consumer goods (“At Home War Production”). However, with the end of the war consumers were looking for more reliable plastic-based material to be used in cars, washing machines, and radios, opposed to the cheap, throwaway plastic that was produced during the war (Tolinski, 245). With increased worker based due to the plethora of young war veterans, DuPont began endorsing in 1948 working in plastic manufacturing sites, augmenting the interest in developing better quality plastic and creating an industry of plastic regulation. (“Plastics and American Culture”). The post-WWII environment not only spurred the development of higher-quality plastic but began the movement of sustainable plastics.
The development of plastics is also closely linked to legislature and popular movements of environmentalism; legislature based by the Environmental Protection Agency, established in 1970s, has also played a vital role in sustainability chemistry since the initial development after WWII (“History of Green Chemistry”). For instance, the Marine Plastic Pollution Research and Control Act of 1987 directly funded research on the adverse effects of disposal of plastics in the ocean and raised awareness for the need for sustainable plastics (“Marine Debris Laws, Regulations”). In addition, consumer awareness of environmental issues has increased through environmental tragedies such as the 1969 California oil spill, and the etymology of the word plastic developed to also mean “cheap, flimsy, or fake”, a result of the plot in one of the most popular movies of 1968, The Graduate (“The History and Future of Plastics”). Even today, the ultimate symbol of the pollution caused by plastic, a large conglomeration of plastic garbage the size of Texas floating in the Pacific, is known as the Great Pacific Garbage Patch (“The History and Future of Plastics”).
Similar patterns can be seen with the growth of second and third world countries such as China and India. As these countries begin to build manufacturing plants and produce more consumer goods, their economies have also undergone heavy plastic production patterns (Tolinski, 245). However, with the historic trend of economic slowdown after enormous periods of growth such as that following the collapse of communism in China, there has been a recent shift from large quantity industrial production to an emphasis on restructuring and upgrading, which will require the development and analysis of higher-quality plastics (Qian, 2). The Chinese central government has also been essential in the development of environmental plastics in China, with laws such as that passed by the Chinese General Administration of Customs placing severe regulations on the import of plastics acting as incentives for the development of green plastic research (Huang, 1).

B. Business Motives in the Development of Sustainable Plastics
Often, business gains served as prime motivators when companies devised new methods to manufacture more environmentally friendly plastics. Perhaps the earliest instance of this occurred shortly after World War II, when many consumers did not trust the quality and reliability of plastics due to experiences with cheap war-time materials that broke easily and were sensitive to heat (“Plastics and American Culture”). At this time, development of a collection of plastic products called Tupperware by Earl Tupper and Brownie Wise popularized the use of plastics in the home environment and signaled a move to an overall acceptance of plastic as a reliable material (The History of Tuppeware).
Another shrewd move of developing sustainable plastics with business motivation came from America’s most iconic brand, Coca-Cola (“Plant Bottle Technology”). By introducing PET PlantBottle, which is made from 30% plant based content from sugarcane ethanol, Coca-Cola not only appealed to consumers as an environmentally friendly company but also served as a promising example in sustainable plastics for other heavy-plastic producing companies (Tolinski, 246). Since its introduction, Coca-Cola’s PlantBottle campaign has led to the production of fifteen billion eco-friendly bottles and five hundred twenty-five thousand barrels of oil originally allocated to producing plastic (“Plant Bottle Technology”). At the same time, PepsiCo also announced plans to use non-food plants and agricultural wastes from the company’s food production facilities to create a 100% bio-based PET beverage bottle (Tolinski).
In addition to industrial-scale manufacturing giants promoting sustainable plastics, smaller companies have also been created solely for the purpose of researching and manufacturing sustainable plastics. As the EPA passes more laws regulating the emissions of plastics and as the environmental movement expands to encompass a greater portion of the consumer population, the advertising benefits of being an environmentally friendly business have increased, and thus green-plastic companies have developed to support the push for eco-friendly companies. Metabolix, a business focused solely on creating an economically friendly plastic packaging material, has researched and developed C4 and C3 chemicals to produce plastic using renewable feedstocks (“Metabolix Sustainability”). The rise of environmentally based companies has also allowed for an increased economic interest in sustainable plastics, as manufacturing plants that struggle to meet certain environmental regulations can instead invest in “green stocks”, which allows for the direct financial growth of companies developing environmentally friendly plastics (Defotis).

C. Scientific Research in the Development of Sustainable Plastics
Research on the environmental effect of plastics began in the 1970s and early 1980s (“The History and Future of Plastics”). As concern about wastes increased, environmentalists began to research the danger of plastic on biological life such as marine animals; scientists found that toxic additives in plastic bags such as flame retardants, antimicrobials, and plasticizers disrupted the endocrine system of marine organisms (Beans). Such studies have caused public outcry for reduction in consumption of plastic bags, and a statistic published by an article in 2013 claimed that one in three leatherback sea turtles has plastic in its stomach (Beans). Such research on the effect of plastic litter on marine life has shifted the products of cheap, disposable plastics to biodegradable, sustainable plastics that are less harmful to sea life (Tolinski, 246).
Scientific research on the effect of plastics on humans has also changed the plastic manufacturing industry, not only decreasing the desire for disposable plastics but perhaps even decreasing the use of plastics all-together. In 2003, a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found detectable levels of BPA, a chemical used in the production of polycarbonate plastics, in ninety-three percent of urine samples from people six years or older (Bisphonal A). A chemical called DEHP, Di (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate, has also been found in similar quantities and is known to alter birth patterns in humans (“Plastics that May Be Harmful”). Such studies of the harmful effects of plastics on both nature and humans have increased popular concern for the harmful effects of non-recyclable plastics, consequently fueling not only research for sustainable plastics but also the business advantages of producing eco-friendly plastic-based products.

D. Trends
Despite concerns of the dangers of non-recyclable plastic, overall plastic has been growing at a study pace since its popularization following World War II. According to the Freedonia Group, Inc., the annual market growth rate for recycled plastic was 3.9% in 2014, and for which there was a 13.6% growth grade in degradable packaging, fueled by the development of bioplastics (Tolinski, 246). BBC has also predicted that the global market for bio-based plastics will grow to 3 million tons in 2015, with the fastest growth in the Asian-Pacific and South American regions (Tolinski, 246). A significant push for sustainable plastic will come from the depletion of the world’s oil resources, as the increasing expenses of drilling oil from the ground will make green plastic comparatively cheaper (Tolinski, 247). As more countries become industrialized, plastic will be produced in greater amounts to meet the needs of the growing population and more people will become interested in manufacturing environmentally friendly plastic.

IV.             CONCLUSION
By analyzing recent advances in sustainable plastic, developments can be appropriately categorized into innovations in either the production of the disposal of plastic. Though many challenges are faced by those attempting to reform plastic to become environmentally friendly, innovations in green chemistry have provided a large source of the changes in producing plastic. The development of the plastic industry was rooted in changes in history, business, and scientific research that benefited those who supported sustainable plastics. In the future, sustainable plastic can be expected to become an even larger portion of not only the modern environmental movement but also the manufacturing industry as a whole.

Full MLA Annotated Works Cited
Anastas, Paul, and John Warner. "12 Principles of Green Chemistry." American Chemical Society. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Mar. 2015. <http://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/greenchemistry/what-is-green-chemistry/principles/12-principles-of-green-chemistry.html>.
Ashley, Steven. "It's Not Easy Being Green." Scientific American Apr. 2002: n. pag. Print.
"At Home War Production." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Beans, Laura. "Silent Killers: The Danger of Plastic Bags to Marine Life." EcoWatch: n. pag. Print.
"Biodegradable Plastics." Atlantic Poly. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <http://atlanticpoly.com/biodegradable-plastics>.
"Bisphenol A." National Institute of Environmental Health Science. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Defotis, Dimitra. "5 Earth-Friendly Stock Picks to Beat the Market." Barron's: n. pag. Print.
Doble, Mukesh, and Anil Kumar. Green Chemistry and Engineering. N.p.: Academic Press, 2007. Print.
Garmson, Eleanor. Plastics and Environment. N.p.: n.p., 2010. Print.
"The History and Future of Plastics." Chemical Heritage Foundation. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
"History of Green Chemistry." American Chemical Society. N.p., 2014. Web. 9 Jan. 2015.
 The History of Tuppeware Home Parties. Tupperware, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
"How Ingeo is Made." Natureworks. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <http://www.natureworksllc.com/The-Ingeo-Journey/Eco-Profile-and-LCA/How-Ingeo-is-Made>.
Huang, Kevin. "China's new regulation shakes up plastic recycling industry." Plastics News: n. pag. Print.
"Industrialization." Marshall Cavendish Digital. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Marshall Cavendish Multicultural Reference Center. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Lytle, Mark Hamilton. Gentle Subversive: Rachel Carson, Silent Spring, and the Rise of the Environmental Movement. N.p.: n.p., 2007. Print.
"Marine Debris Laws, Regulations, Treaties." Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
"Metabolix Sustainability." Metabolix. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015. <http://www.metabolix.com/Innovation/Sustainability>.
 Plant Bottle Technology. Coca-Cola, n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
"Plastics." Environmental Protection Agency. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015. <http://www.epa.gov/osw/conserve/materials/plastics.htm>.
"Plastics and American Culture After World War II." PBS. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
"Plastics that May Be Harmful to Children and Reproductive Health." Environmental and Human Health. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Platt, Brenda. "Biodegradable Plastics." Sustainable Plastics. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Mar. 2015.
Qian, Guijing. "China's Plastics Processing Industry Adapts to a New Era." Plastics Engineering: n. pag. Print.
Stafford, Matt. "Swiss Researchers Create Eco-Friendly Biodegradable Plastic from Biofuel Waste." Smithsonian.com. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Jan. 2015.

Tolinski, Michael. Plastics and Sustainability: Towards a Peaceful Coexistence Between Bio-Based and Fossil Fuel-Based Plastics. N.p.: Wiley-Scrivener, 2011. Print.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Sulfuric Acid

Hello everyone! I hope y'all are doing well. Here's a post on sulfuric acid!

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Most Expensive Substances

Hi everyone! This week I would like to share a page from a book I've been working on for a while now. Enjoy! 

Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Chemistry in Airbags

Along with seat belts, air bags are one of the main mechanisms that reduce the risk of injury in the unfortunate case of a car accident. Once a car crashes, a sensor detects the strength of the collision and deploys an air bag by reacting three important chemicals, sodium azide (NaN3) potassium nitrate (KNO3), silicon dioxide (SiO2). First, an electric impulse heats sodium azide to up to 300°C, causing it to decompose to nitrogen gas, which fills the airbag, and solid sodium, in the following redox reaction:

2 NaN3 -> 2 Na + 3N2

Since sodium metal is highly reactive, potassium nitrate first reacts to produce potassium oxide and sodium oxide and produce one more unit of nitrogen gas.

2Na + 2KNO3 -> 5Na2O + K2O + N2

Yet, the first period metal oxides are still quite reactive, so they are eliminated by silicon dioxide.

K2O + Na2O + 2SiO2 -> K2SiO3 + Na2SiO3

The end products, potassium silicate (K2SiO3) and silicate glass (Na2SiO3), are much more stable; nitrogen gas inflates the airbag and protects you from the collision.

 How do airbags protect you?

According to Newton's second law:

F= ma = m (dv/dt)

So, if dt increases due to the presence of an air bag, F decreases, reducing the force that is exerted on the body and thus making injuries or death less likely. 

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Five Chemicals that Changed History: Penicillin

I wasn't really quite satisfied with my last post, so I revised this one. Thanks for reading!

R-C9H11N2O4S (Penicillin)

The Chemistry 

A lot of how Penicillin works is more related to biology than chemistry, so here is a simple breakdown:

An essential component of bacterial cell walls is a complex molecule called peptidoglycan. Penicillin prevents bacteria from successfully producing it. Here's a flow chart I made.

The History

Alexander Fleming.

Penicillin, the first antibiotic, was discovered by Alexander Fleming in 1928. After being studied in the UK and US, doctors in military hospitals began to use it to treat soldiers in WWII. Check out the stats.

Death from disease or wounds
16.5 per 1,000 (WWI) -> 0.6 per 1000 (WWII)

Death rate for soldiers admitted to hospitals
8% (WWI) -> 4% (WWII)

Penicillin Units made by US companies per month

Despite the success of penicillin in World War II, it is in no way a panacea for all diseases. Since its development many common pathogens such as tuberculosis have developed resistance, and its complex protein nature can trigger allergic reactions in some people.

Five Chemicals that Changed History: Aspirin

C9H8O4 (Aspirin)


The Chemistry

Aspirin, a salicylate drug, is also known as acetylsalicylic acid. Aspirin is an anti-prostaglandin (pain reliever) and an anti-platelet (blood thinner). Aspirin relieves pain by ultimately acting as an anti-inflammatory agent; it inhibits an enzyme called cyclo-oxygenase (COX), which stops the formation of prostaglandins. The inhibition also reduces the ability of platelets to aggregate, thereby becoming a anti-platelet agent and aiding in preventing heart attacks and strokes.

The History

Aspirin was first isolated by Edward Stone of Oxford in 1763. In 1897, Felix Hoffman produced the first stable form of the compound, which was introduced as Aspirin. After Hoffman's company, Bayer, worked in distributing aspirin to physicians, it quickly became the number-one drug worldwide.

        Felix Hoffman.             Aspirin produced by Bayer.

Aspirin is now the most common drug in household medicine cabinets.

Check out the aspirin website, it literally has everything.

Five Chemicals that Changed History: Ammonia

NH3 (Ammonia)

The Chemistry

The main method of synthesizing ammonia on an industrial scale is using the Haber-Bosch Process, sometimes known as just the Haber Process. In the Haber process, nitrogen gas and hydrogen gas react in an exothermic synthesis reaction to produce ammonia. On the industrial scale, high temperature and pressure, along with iron based catalysts, are used to increase the yield of ammonia.

Ammonia has two major applications: fertilizer and explosives.

Of the nutrients necessary for plant growth, nitrogen is quite hard to obtain. Though air is 78% nitrogen, it must be fixed into a bio-available form through either natural or man-made processes. The development of the Haber process was so significant that it is estimated that fertilizer from ammonia produced by the Haber process helps sustain one-third of the Earth's population, and half the protein within human beings is made of nitrogen originally fixed using the Haber process.

As for explosives, the Haber-Bosch process allows ammonia to be oxidized and converted into nitric acid, which is the basis of explosives such as ammonium nitrate, nitro-glycerine, and trinitrotoluene (TNT). According to the International Nitrogen Initiative, it is responsible for the death of 150 million people.

The International Nitrogen Initiative also has more information about how ammonia is "the substance that changed the world."
Check it out: http://www.ini-europe.org/node/16

The History

The Haber-Bosch process was developed by a German scientist, Fritz Haber, in 1909. Carl Bosch then applied the process to an industrial scale, allowing for the agricultural independence of Germany in the first world war. Both Haber and Bosch won Nobel prizes for their developments.

World War I was a major application for chemical explosives derived from ammonia formed by the Haber-Bosch process. In 1910-1911, Bosch developed double-tubed hydrogen-resistant converters, which eventually led to the industrial conversion of ammonia to nitric acid, a main component of explosives used in the German military. Ammonia was first manufactured industrially in the BASF's Oppau plant in Germany, producing up to 20 tons of ammonia per day.

About Haber and Bosch: (I found this interesting because neither lived particularly happy lives)

Fritz Haber.pngCarl Bosch.jpg

       Fritz Haber                   Carl Bosch

Haber is known as the "father of chemical warfare." Haber won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1918. He did not mention the role of ammonia in chemical warfare in his acceptance speech at the Swiss Nobel Academy. Haber's wife, who opposed his work in chemical warfare, committed suicide in 1915. Haber left Germany following Hitler's rise to power and died of heart failure in 1934.

Bosch won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry in 1931. Bosch was a victim of depression and died in 1940.